Saturday, 17 July 2010

First-Class obtained!

I finally received my university results. I got First Class Honours :) I can't wait for the graduation ceremony :D 

Monday, 29 March 2010

Real-Time Sound Enhancer

As part of my coursework for the Sound Processing module I built a real-time sound enhancer, using the FMOD Ex library. It implements a band reject filter while splitting the signal in two bands at an adjustable frequency between 100 and 3000Hz and merging the two bands together. 8 additional harmonics are added on the lower band using Chebyshev waveshaping (Chebyshev Polynomials).

The user can at real time adjust the split frequency, the level of the lower and upper band and the odd and even harmonics. There are also the functionalities of bypassing the effects, playing and stopping the sound and uploading new input sounds from the file system.

Friday, 29 January 2010

The countdown has started!

The last semester of my university degree has started and I am very satisfied with the choices of modules I made. The two modules are Software Agents and Sound Processing.

The Sound Processing one contains physics and mathematics. We will be looking at Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). In the first lecture I revisited waves in physics and all the related formulas, learnt the anatomy of the human ear, coded waves, unified them and reproduced their sounds using MATLAB.

For the Software Agents module I will have to build a system with an agent (or a Multi-Agent system) that learns from the environment. I will focus on Machine Learning and more specifically on Reinforcement Learning.

I am also progressing with my dissertation, implementing the fitness function of the genetic algorithm.